The My Favorite Rx Search Settings are the default display options when displaying drug searches and favorites' lists. Follow these steps to access the User Rx Settings.
Default Value: Checkboxes not selected
- Display Route - when selected, this option displays prescriptions at the route level by default when performing a drug search. This is the highest level of a prescription and cannot be used when printing/sending prescriptions. It is useful when documenting patient reported drugs where the patient only knows the name of a medication he/she is currently taking.
- Display Dosage - when selected, this option displays prescriptions at the dosage level by default when performing a drug search. Similar to the Route level, the dosage level cannot be used when printing/sending prescriptions. It is useful when documenting patient reported medications.
- Display Strength - when selected, this option displays the prescriptive level of a medication by default when performing a drug search. This level is required for printed/sent prescriptions.
- Auto Expand - when selected, this option displays all selected levels (route, dosage and/or strength) of drugs when performing a drug search.
- Max Rows - the maximum number of search results returned when performing a drug search.