
This method takes the following information: API key, time period in months, and section information and returns specific patient information for each section requested. If no sections are requested all sections will be returned. This method takes the following information: API key, time period in months, and section information and returns specific patient information for each section requested. If no sections are requested all sections will be returned.

Example Request

    <userid />
    <section_name>Social History</section_name>
    <section_name>Diagnostic Results</section_name>
    <section_name>Vital Signs</section_name>
    <section_name>Care Team Members</section_name>
    <section_name>Unique Device Identifiers</section_name>
    <section_name>Assessment and Plan of Treatment</section_name>
    <section_name>Health Concerns</section_name>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
Contains security information for accessing the API’s
Security information is used to access the API. The key is made up of a user identifier, password, and connection point separated by a tilde character.
The user identifier and password were assigned to you when you signed up to use the API’s. The connection point will always be cw_api.
Used for backward compatibility. For now, always use 1.0.
UserId for the user of your application. Currently not used.
Account identifier. This will always be 39985F47-62E0-4533-918F-317695A6BFEB
requestapi_keystring(required)50 charapi_key that is returned from the ONC.FindPatient method.
Starting date to return data for (default=01/01/1901). The setting has no effect on Demographics, Allergies, Medications, Problems, Unique Device Identifiers, and Social History
Ending date to return data for (default=01/01/3001). The setting has no effect on Demographics, Allergies, Medications, Problems, Unique Device Identifiers, and Social History
Number of months in the past to return patient-related information.
The setting has no effect on Demographics, Allergies, Medications, Problems, Immunizations, Unique Device Identifiers, and Social History
Contains section information to return.
section_listsection_nametag100 charSection to return. Valid values are: Demographics Social History Problems Medications Allergies Diagnostic Results Vital Signs Procedures Care Team Members Immunizations Unique Device Identifiers Assessment and Plan of Treatment Goals Health Concerns

Example Response


This is returned with all responses unless there is an error.

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
responsereferencetagUsed to return reference information about tde request
referencerangetagUsed to return tde range of dates tdat was used for tde subsequent patient information tdat is returned.
rangestartstringStarting date for data to be returned. Format mm/dd/yyyy.
rangeendstringEnding date for data to be returned. Format mm/dd/yyyy.


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <address1>1357 Amber Dr</address1>
      <description>Not Hispanic or Latino</description>
      <phone_home>(555) 723-1544</phone_home>
      <phone_other>(555) 777-1234</phone_other>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsedemographicstag-Used to return demographic information for the patient
demographicsnametag-Used to return name information
namefirststring25 charFirst name of the patient
namenickstring25 charNick name of the patient
namelaststring95 charLast name of the patient
namesuffixstring10 charSuffix name of the patient
demographicsaddresstag10 charUsed to return address information for the patient
addressaddress1string55 char
addressaddress2string55 char
addresscitystring30 char
addressstatestring2 char
addresszipstring15 char
addresscountrystring3 charValid values: USA CAN
demographicsbirth_datestring-Birth date for the patient. Format: mm/dd/yyyy
demographicslanguagetag-Used to return preferred language information for the patient
languagecodestring-Code for preferred language
languagedescriptionstring-Description for preferred language
demographicsgenderstring-Internal code used to identifier gender. Valid values: M - Male F - Female U - Unkown
genderdescriptionstring-Gender description
demographicsmarital_statusstring-Used to return marital status information for the patient
marital_statuscodestring-Internal code used to identifier marital status Valid values: D - Divorced M - Married S - Single U - Unknown W - Widowed X – Legally Separated
marital_statusdescriptionstring-Marital status description
demographicsracestring-Used to return race information for the patient
racelist_itemstring-Used to return 1 to many race(s) for the patient
list_itemcodestring-Internal code used to identify race Code used to identify race
Valid values:
1002-5 – American Indian or Alaska Native
2028-9 – Asian
2054-5 – Black or African American
2076-8 – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
2106-3 – White
2131-1 – Other
– Declined to Specify
list_itemdescriptionstring-Race description
demographicsrace_specificstring-Used to return specific race information for the patient
race_specificlist_itemstring-Used to return 1 to many specific race(s) for the patient
list_itemcodestring-Code used to identify specific race. Valid values can be found from the CDC Race and Ethnicity code system (2.16.840.1.113883.6.238)
list_itemdescriptionstring-Specific race description
ethnicitycodestring-Internal code used to identifier ethnicity
Valid values:
2135-2 – Hispanic or Latino
2186-5 – Not Hispanic or Latino
– Declined to specify
ethnicitydescriptionstring-Ethnicity description

Social History

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <description>Current every day smoker</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsesocial_historytag-Used to return social history information for the patient
social_historysmokingtag-Used to return smoking information for the patient
smokingsnomed_conceptidstring-Snomed ConceptID associated with the smoking status. Valid values:
449868002 – Current every day smoker
428041000124106 – Current some day smoker
8517006 – Former smoker
266919005 – Never smoker
77176002 – Smoker, current status unknown
428071000124103 – Heavy tobacco smoker
428061000124105 – Light tobacco smoker
266927001 – Unknown if ever smoked
smokingdescriptionstring-Description of the smoking status
smokingdatestring-Date the smoking status was recorded
social_historybirth_sextag-Used to return birth sex information for the patient
birth_sexcodeinteger-Type: integer Sex assigned at birth Values values:
1 – Male
2 – Female
3 – Unknown
birth_sexdescriptionstring-Birth sex description
birth_sexdatestring-Date the birth sex was recorded


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <description>Essential hypertension (disorder)</description>
        <description>Essential (primary) hypertension</description>
      <description>Severe hypothyroidism (disorder)</description>
        <description>Hypothyroidism, unspecified</description>
      <description>Chronic rejection of renal transplant (disorder)</description>
        <description>Kidney transplant rejection</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responseproblemstag-Used to return demographic information for the patient
problemsproblemtag-Used to return 1 to many problems for the patient
problemdescriptionstring-Description of the problem
problemonset_datestring-Onset date for the problem in the form mm/dd/yyyy
problemresolution_datestring-Resolution date for the problem in the form mm/dd/yyyy
problemstatustag-Used to return status information for the problem
statuscodenumeric-Internal identifier for the status of the problem
Valid values:
1 – Active
2 – Inactive
3 - Resolved
statusdescriptionstring-Problem status description
problemicdtag-Used to return diagnosis information for the problem
icdcodestring-Diagnosis code tied to the problem
icddescriptionstring-Diagnosis description tied to the problem
problemsnomed_conceptidstring-Snomed Concept ID tied to the problem
problemchronic_indstring-Indicates if the problem is chronic
Valid Values:
Y – Yes
N - No


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <description>Tylenol Extra Strength 500 mg tablet 1 tablet oral As Needed</description>
      <frequency>As Needed</frequency>
      <description>Aranesp 500 mcg/mL (in polysorbate) injection syringe 1 syringe injection Every week</description>
      <frequency>Every week</frequency>
      <description>ceftriaxone 10 gram solution for injection 1 recon soln injection Twice a day</description>
      <frequency>Twice a day</frequency>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsemedicationstag-Used to return medication information for the patient
medicationsmedicationtag-Used to return 1 to many medications for the patient
medicationdescriptionstring-Description for the medication
medicationsig_quantitystring-Signature quantity for the medication
medicationfrequencystring-Frequency of the medication
medicationmed_datestring-Date the medication was started in the form mm/dd/yyyy
medicationstop_datestring-Date the medication was stopped in the form mm/dd/yyyy
medicationstatustag-Used to return the status of the medication
statuscodestring-Internal code used for the medication status
Valid values:
0 - Ineffective
1 - Allergic Reaction
2 - Current
3 - Expired
4 - Stopped
5 - New
6 - Overdosed
7 - Drug Interaction
8 - Other
9 - Needs Dr. Approval
10 - Change
11 - Discontinue
12 - Renew
13 - Hold
14 - Error
15 - Completed
16 - Side Effects
17 - Discontinue Financial
statusdescriptionstring-Medication status description
medicationroutetag-Used to return the route of the medication
routecodestring-Internal code used for the medication route
routedescriptionstring-Medication route description


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <posted>11/06/2018  1:42PM</posted>
      <description>penicillin G</description>
        <description>Penicillin G</description>
      <posted>11/06/2018  1:42PM</posted>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responseallergiestag-Used to return allergy information for the patient
allergiesallergytag-Used to return 1 to many allergies for the patient
allergydescriptionstring-Description of the allergy
allergystatusstring-Status of the allergy
allergyrxnormtag-Used to return rxnorm information for the allergy
rxnormcodestring-rxnorm code
rxnormdescriptionstring-rxnorm description
allergypostedstring-Date/time the allergy was posted to the system
allergyseveritytag-Used to return severity information for the allergy
severitydescriptionstring-Severity description
severitysnomed_conceptidstring-Snomed ConceptID that represents the severity
Valid values:
1. 18647004 – Mild
2. 6736007 – Moderate
3. 24484000 - Severe
allergysymptomstag-Used to return symptom information for the allergy
symptomssymptomtag-Used to return 1 to may symptoms for the allergy
symptomdescriptiontag-Symptom description
symptomsnomed_conceptidstring-Snomed ConceptID that represents the symptom

Diagnostic Results

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
        <name>ONC Radiology</name>
          <description>Chest X-Ray 2 Views</description>
          <value>Lungs are not clear, cannot rule out Anemia. Other tests are required to determine Anemia</value>
            <description>No comment</description>
            <description>Chest X-ray 2 views</description>
            <description>Views 2</description>
        <name>Value Labs</name>
        <address1>2474 Rocky Place</address1>
            <description>Appearance of Urine</description>
            <description>Urinalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
            <description>Color of Urine</description>
            <description>Urinalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
            <description>Glucose [Mass/volume] in Urine by Test strip</description>
            <description>Urinalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
            <description>Ketones [Mass/volume] in Urine by Test strip</description>
            <description>Urinalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
            <description>pH of Urine by Test strip</description>
            <description>Urinalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
            <description>Protein [Mass/volume] in Urine by Test strip</description>
            <description>Urinalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
          <description>Specific gravity</description>
            <description>Specific gravity of Urine by Test strip</description>
            <description>Urinalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsediagnostic_resultstag-Used to return demographic information for the patient
diagnostic_resultslabtag-Used to return 1 to many lab location, contact and result information for the patient
labinformationtag-Used to store lab information
informationnamestring-Lab name
informationaddress1string55 charAddress line for the lab
informationcitystring30 charCity for the lab
informationstatestring2 charState for the lab
informationzipstring15 charZip for the lab
informationphonestring-Phone number for the lab
labresult_listtag-Used to return result information for the lab for the patient
result_listresulttag-Used to return 1 to many lab results for the lab for the patient
resultdescriptionstring-Description for the result
resultresult_valuestring-Value for the result
resultunit_of_measurestring-Unit of measure for the result
resultresult_datestring-Date for the result in the from mm/dd/yyyy
resultinterprettag-Used to return interpretation information for the result
interpretcodestring-Interpretation code for the result.
Values values:
** - No range defined
*G - Above absolute high-off instrument scale
*L - Below absolute low-off instrument scale
A - Alpha abnormal
AA - Very abnormal
B - No comment
D - Significant change down
H - Above high normal
HH - Above upper panic limits
HU - High Urgent
I - Intermediate - microbiology
L - Below low normal
LL - Below lower panic limits
LU - Low Urgent
MS - Moderately susceptible - microbiology
N - Normal
R - Resistant - microbiology
S - Susceptible - microbiology
U - Significant change up
VS - Very susceptible - microbiology
W - Worse
interpretdescriptionstring-Description for the interpretation code
resultloincstring-Used to store loinc information for the result
loinccodestring-Loinc code for the result
loincdescriptionstring-Description for the loinc code
order_loinccodestring-Code for the order loinc code
order_loincdescriptionstring-Description for the order loinc code

Vital Signs

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <vital_date>06/22/2015  3:12PM</vital_date>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsevitalstag-Used to return vitals information for the patient
vitalsvitaltag-Used to return 1 to many vitals for the patient
vitalvital_datestring-Date/time the vital was given in the from mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm(AM/PM)
vitalheighttag-Used to return height information for the patient
heightvaluedecimal-Height of the patient
heightunitsstring-Units for the height value
Valid Values:
heightlonicstring-loinc code for height
vitalweighttag-Used to return weight information for the patient
weightvaluedecimal-Weight of the patient
weightunitsstring-Units for the weight value
Valid Values:
weightloincstring-loinc code for weight
vitalbmitag-Used to return bmi information for the patient
bmivaluedecimal-Body Mass Index for the vital record
bmiloincstring-loinc code for bmi
vitaltemperaturetag-Used to return temperature information for the patient
temperaturevaluedecimal-Temperature of the patient
temperatureunitsstring-Units for the temperature value
Valid Values:
temperatureloincstring-loinc code for temperature
vitalbptag-Used to return blood pressure information for the patient
bpsystolicinteger-Systolic pressure for the patient
systolicvalueinteger-Systolic pressure for the patient
systolicunitsstring-Units for systolic Valid Values: mmHg
systolicloincinteger-oinc code for systolic blood pressure
bpdiastolictag-Used to return diastolic blood pressure information for the patient
diastolicvalueinteger-diastolic pressure for the patient
diastolicunitsstring-Units for diastolic Valid Values: mmHg
diastolicloincinteger-oinc code for diastolic blood pressure
vitalhearttag-Used to return heart rate information for the patient
heartratetag-Heart rate of the patient
heartunitstag-Units for the heart rate
Valid Values:
vitalrespirationstag-Used to return respiration information for the patient
respirationsrateinteger-Number of respirations for the patient
respirationsunitsinteger-Units for the respirations
Valid Values:
respirationsloincstring-loinc code for respirations
vitalO2Saturationtag-Used to return oxygen saturation information for the patient
O2Saturationvaluedecimal-Oxygen saturation for the patient
O2Saturationunitsstring-Units for the oxygen saturation
Valid Values:
O2Saturationloincstring-loinc code for oxygen saturation
vitalFiO2tag-Used to return the Fraction of Inspired Oxygen information for the patient
FiO2valuedecimal-Fraction Inspired Oxygen value for the patient
FiO2unitsdecimal-Units for the Fraction Inspired Oxygen
Valid Values:
Fi02loincstring-loinc code for Fractured Inspired Oxygen


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <description>Pressurized or nonpressurized inhalation treatment for acute airway obstruction for therapeutic purposes and/or for diagnostic purposes such as sputum induction with an aerosol generator, nebulizer, metered dose inhaler or intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB) device</description>
      <description>NEW PATIENT OFFICE VISIT</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responseprocedurestag-Used to return demographic information for the patient
proceduresproceduretag-Used to return 1 to many procedures for the patient
procedurecodestring-Code for the procedure
proceduredescriptiontag-Code description for the procedure
procedurerangetag-Used to return the range information for the procedure
rangefromstring-Starting date for the procedure in the form of mm/dd/yyyy
rangetostring-Ending date for the procedure in the form of mm/dd/yyyy

Care Team Members

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
        <address1>1 Virginia Ave</address1>
        <address1>1 Virginia Ave</address1>
        <first>Dr. Albert</first>
        <address1>1 Virginia Ave</address1>
        <last>Front Office</last>
        <address1>1 Virginia Ave</address1>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsecare_team_memberstag-Used to return team members who cared for the patient
care_team_membersmembertag-Used to return 1 to many members
membernametag-Used to return name information for the member
namefirststring25 charFirst name of the patient
namelaststring95 charLast name of the patient
namesuffixstring10 charSuffix name of the patient
care_team_membersaddressstring-Used to return address information for the member
addressaddress1string55 char
addressaddress2string55 char
addresscitystring30 char
addressstatestring2 char
addresszipstring15 char
addresscountrystring3 charValid values:
1. USA
2. CAN
care_team_membersnational_provider_idstring-National provider id for the member
care_team_memberstaxonomystring-Used to return taxonomy information for the member
taxonomycodestring-Taxonomy code
taxonomydescriptionstring-Taxonomy Description


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <description>influenza, intradermal, quadrivalent, preservative</description>
        <description>influenza, intradermal, quadrivalent, preservative free</description>
        <description>Cancelled - Patient Objection</description>
      <description>Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids</description>
        <description>diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine, 5 pertussis antigens</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responseimmunizationstag-Used to return demographic information for the patient
immunizationsimmunizationtag-Used to return 1 to many immunizations for the patient
immunizationdescriptionstring-Description for the immunization
immunizationdate_givenstring-Date the immunization was given in the form mm/dd/yyyy
immunizationcvxtag-Used to return cvx information for the immunization record
cvxcodestring-CVX code tied to the immunization
cvxdescriptionstring-CVX description tied to the immunization
immunizationrefusaltag-Used to return refusal information for the immunization record
refusalcodestring-Code for why the immunization record was refused
Valid Values:
00 – Parental Decision
01 – Religious Exemption
02 – Other
03 – Parental Decision
refusaldescriptionstring-Description for why the immunization record was refused
immunizationimmunitystring-Used to return evidence of immunity information for the immunization record
immunitycodestring-Code for the evidence of immunity for the immunization that was given. This code represents the Snomed ConceptID
Valid Values:
4834000 - History of typhoid infection.
6142004 - History of influenza infection.
14168008 - History of rabies infection.
14189004 - History of measles infection.
16541001 - History of yellow fever infection.
16814004 - History of pneumococcal infection.
18624000 - History of rotavirus infection.
23511006 - History of meningococcal infection.
27836007 - History of pertussis infection.
36653000 - History of rubella infection.
36989005 - History of mumps infection.
38907003 - History of Varicella infection.
40468003 - History of Hepatitis A infection.
52947006 - History of Japanese encephalitis infection.
66071002 - History of Hepatitis B infection.
76902006 - History of tetanus infection.
91428005 - History of HIB infection.
111852003 - History of vaccinia infection.
240532009 - History of HPV infection.
271511000 - Immunity to hepatitis B
397428000 - History of diphtheria infection.
398102009 - History of polio infection.
409498004 - History of anthrax infection.
immunitydescriptionstring-Description for the evidence of immunity for the immunization record

Unique Device Identifiers

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <device_name>Cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable defibrillator</device_name>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responseunique_device_identifierstag-Used to return implant information for the patient
unique_device_identifiersidentifiertag-Used to return 1 to many implants for the patient
identifierudistring-Unique device identifier for the implant
identifierdevice_namestring-Device name for the implant
identifierimplant_datestring-Date the device was implanted
identifiersnomed_conceptidstring-Snomed ConceptID for the implant
identifierassigning_authoritystring-Assigning authority for device

Assessment and Plan of Treatment

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <description>The patient was found to have fever and Dr Davis is suspecting Anemia based on the patient history. So Dr Davis asked the patient to closely monitor the temperature and blood pressure and get admitted to Community Health Hospitals if the fever does not subside within a day.</description>
      <description>Get an EKG done on 6/23/2015.</description>
      <description>Get a Chest X-ray done on 6/23/2015 showing the Lower Respiratory Tract Structure.</description>
      <description>Take Clindamycin 300mg three times a day as needed if pain does not subside</description>
      <description>Schedule follow on visit with Neighborhood Physicians Practice on 7/1/2015.</description>
      <type>Pending Test</type>
      <description>Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
      <address>2472 Rocky Place Beaverton, OR 97006</address>
      <type>Future Test</type>
      <description>Urinanalysis macro (dipstick) panel</description>
      <address>2472 Rocky Place Beaverton, OR 97006</address>
      <type>Referral to Other Provider</type>
      <description>Referral to Community Health Hospitals Inpatient Facility; Ms Alice Newman is being referred to Community Health Hospitals Inpatient facility because of the high fever noticed and suspected Anemia.</description>
ParentTagTypeMax Len.Description
responseassessment_and_plan_of_treatmenttag-Used to return assessment and treatment information for the patient
assessment_and_plan_of_treatmentitemtag-Used to return 1 to many assessment and treatment information for the patient
itemtypestring-Type of assessment or treatment plan.
Valid values:
Future Appointment
Patient Education
Pending Test
Future Test
itemdescriptionstring-Description for the assessment or plan of treatment
itemaddressstring-Address for the assessment or plan of treatment
itemplan_datestring-Date for the assessment or plan of treatment
itemteststring-If the type is a Pending Test or a Future test this fields describes the test.
Valid values:
itemsnomed_conceptidstring-Snomed ConceptID associated with the assessment or treatment plan
itemloincstring-Loinc code associated with the assessment or treatment plan.


<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <description>Get rid of intermittent fever that is occurring every few weeks.</description>
      <description>Need to gain more energy to do regular activities</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsegoalstag-Used to return goal information for the patient
goalsgoaltag-Used return 1 to many goals for the patient
goaldescriptionstring-Description of the goal
goalplan_datestring-Date the goal was planned in the form mm/dd/yyyy

Health Concerns

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
      <type>Health Concern</type>
      <description>Documented HyperTension problem</description>
      <type>Health Concern</type>
      <description>Documented HypoThyroidism problem</description>
      <type>Health Concern</type>
      <description>Watch weight of patient</description>
      <type>Health Status</type>
      <description>Chronic Sickness exhibited by patient</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responsehealth_concernstag-Used to return health concern / health status information for the patient
health_concernsconcerntag-Used return 1 to many health concern / health status for the patient
concerntypestring-Type of health concern.
Values values:
Health Concern
Health Status
concerndescriptionstring-Description for the health concern / health status
concernplan_datestring-Date of the health concern / health status
concernsnomed_conceptidstring-Snomed ConceptID associated with the health concern / health status


In the event that the API call results in an error, the response will contain an <error> node. Within this section, we will return an error code and a description of the error that can be used to display back to the end user

<response xmlns="http://www.isalushealthcare.webservices/">
    <description>API Key is not valid</description>
ParentTagTypeMax LengthDescription
responseerrortag-Used to store error information from the request
errorcodenumeric-Code identifying the error
errordescriptionstring-Description of the error