Release Notes


Release 24.114 - July 25th, 2024 New
Executive Summary Check In/Out Dashboard Enabled new Check In/Out Dashboard Release Note  | Full Feature Documentation Check In/Out Dashboard Getting Started & Training Setting up Check In/Out Das...
Release 24.113 - July 11th, 2024
New Features and Updates Setup Intake Setup U12103 - Intelligent Intake - Added SSN Option in Demographics:   We added a new option within Setup > Intake Setup > Demographics to capture the  patient's social security number...
Release 24.112 - June 27th, 2024 New
New Features and Updates Billing Revenue Cycle Wheel U17791 - Revenue Cycle Wheel - New "Ignore Error" Option Within the Response Submission Queue : On the Submit tile of the Revenue Cycle wheel, there is a Response Submission que...
OfficeEMR Mobile - Android v 1.4.0 (209) - June 17th, 2024
New Features OfficeEMR Mobile Enhancements: Added some enhancements to the OfficeEMR Mobile App that include new menu items, filters, and results.  U12324 - OfficeEMR Mobile | Add Tasks Menu Item: Results & Counts: A new menu item...
OfficeEMR Mobile - iOS v 5.11.1 (206) - June 13th, 2024
New Features OfficeEMR Mobile Enhancements: Added some enhancements to the OfficeEMR Mobile App that include new menu items, filters, and results.  U12324 - OfficeEMR Mobile | Add Tasks Menu Item: Results & Counts: A new menu it...
Release 24.111 - June 13th, 2024
New Features and Updates Billing Deposits U12085 - Deposits - Make Advanced Claim Search available on Statement Deposits: When users are posting statement balances, they can receive payments that cover additional balances not on th...
Release 24.110 - May 30th, 2024
Executive Summary New User Setting  New User Setting to Hide Date Column in Patient Amp Results Release Note  |  Documentation New Company Setting New Company Setting for Autoposting Receipts to a Claim...
Release 24.109 - May 16th, 2024
New Features and Updates Setup Payers U12965 - New ERA Payer ID field:    When ERAs are loaded into the system, we check the payer ID in the ERA file against the payer ID in the payer setup to determine the associated payer. H...
Release 24.108 - May 2nd, 2024
New Features and Updates General My Tasks U17471 - Health Exchange - Add Findings to Printed HIE Record: Within the Health Exchange records (My Tasks/EMR), the printed record currently does not include the Review/Findings section...
Release 24.107 - April 18th, 2024
New Features and Updates Setup MML Setup U13810 - Limit MML Functionality for Unconnected Accounts:   Some patients not affiliated with an iSalus client have been able to create My Medical Locker (MML) accounts, upload documen...
Release 24.106 - April 4th, 2024
Executive Summary Patient Cost Estimator Enhancements New "Save & New Line" Button   Release Note New Intake Setup Option to View Estimates on Intakes  Release Note    Sin...
Release 24.105 - March 21st, 2024
Executive Summary Company Settings New Setting to Display All Labs on Timeline Hover  Release Note  |  Documentation Lab Results New Option to Remove Lab Results From Patient Chart and MML Release N...
Release 24.104 - March 7th, 2024
New Features and Updates Setup Users U15529 - New User Setting to Hide Order Processing and Order Status Fields in Result Findings/Activities' section:   A new user setting within Setup > User > User Settings has been created to...
Release 24.103 - February 22nd, 2024
Executive Summary Lab Results  Enhancements for Consistent Display of Lab Results  Release Note  | Documentation Patient Cost Estimator New "Allowed Amount" Override Option for Cost Estimator Release Note  | Document...
Release 24.102 - February 8th, 2024
Executive Summary 2 Factor Authentication New Company Setting for 2FA Requirement Release Note  | Documentation New User Role for User Two Factor Authentication Release Note  | Documentation 2FA Setup ...
Release 24.101 - January 25th, 2024
Executive Summary Reports Procedure POS, Quarter Date Values, and SSN added to Analytics Release Note   MIPS Dashboard  Enabled MIPS Dashboard for 2024 Reporting Release Note  | Documentation Upda...
Release 24.100 - January 11th, 2024
Executive Summary Patient Flags New Patient Flags Setup Screen Release Note  | Documentation Patient Flag Assign Access Release Note |  Documentation Advanced Search Filter for Patients With Patient ...