Your practice will now be able to offer flexible credit card payment options that make it convenient for your patient to pay for the care you provide them. iSalus is fully integrated with PaySimple, an all-in-one solution that offers patients a variety of ways to pay their bills. This integration will allow your practice to swipe or enter a patient's credit card number at check-in and check-out to collect co-pays and other payments. Your patients will also be able to pay their balance via the Intelligent Intake or the Patient Portal. When these payments are captured, a receipt is automatically generated in the billing system so you never miss a payment and eliminate data entry errors.
This integration will:
The first step is to sign-up for Credit Card Processing via PaySimple. You can submit your application by following these steps.
Once PaySimple has processed your application, the next step is to configure our application. If you signed up via the PaySimple link described above, once your application has been processed, PaySimple will send your merchant information directly to iSalus. This should automatically connect your account. However, if you did not sign up this way or if your account is not automatically connected, follow the steps below to manually enter your merchant information.
NOTE: If a PaySimple account is already connected, the data fields will already be blue and the following system message will display to indicated the account is already connected:
Follow this link to learn how to use the Credit Card Processing Integration: Credit Card Processing
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