The " Enable Patient Demographics Sex for Clinical Use " company setting allows a practice to add a Sex drop-down field within the Patient Demographics/Demographics tab. When set, Company Setting: Enable Patient Demographics Sex for Clini...
Created On: 03/12/2025
in Release Notes
Diagnosis Code Group setup is the screen where a practice can allow a user to group diagnosis codes for additional processing. For example, cancer diagnoses can be entered into a Diagnosis Code Group and then filtered within the Summary of Car...
The Quick Pay window contains multiple tabs/sections that can be displayed based on the Quick Pay Settings . Below is a brief overview of each tab/section of the Quick Pay window. Receipt: The Receipt tab of the Quick Pay will allow the docum...
The Quick Pay window can be accessed from several places. Below are the different places a user will typically access the Quick Pay window from. Appointment status change: Based on the appointment status change settings (typically check in/out...
The Quick Pay window settings allow a user to determine which of the available tabs/sections they want to display and then, when in List View, which of those sections should be expanded. To access the setting, click the gear (third button) butto...
The Quick Pay window is typically utilized during the Check In/Out process. However, this window has several areas it can be accessed from and it's purpose is to allow the documentation or review of payment, claim entry, orders, prescriptions, let...
Created On: 02/27/2025
in Using iSalus iScheduler
Created On: 02/21/2025
in Release Notes
Executive Summary My Tasks New Encounters Access Within PDF Split Window
Created On: 02/21/2025
in Using iSalus eDocuments
This article provides background and step-by-step instructions for sharing eDocuments to a patient's MyMedicalLocker account. This allows a practice to share a variety of documents that may be been either scanned, downloaded, or faxed & saved ...