

Overview of the Allergies Chart Tab
The Allergies chart tab allows a user to manage a patient's entire list of allergies along with any symptoms. This could be medications, environmental, or any other class of irritants. The allergy list interacts with the patient's problem list and m...
Allergies Chart Tab Features
Allergen Search The "Add Allergen" search bar allows a user to find an allergen to add to the selected patient's chart. When a user begins typing in the search box, a list of results is displayed. Any allergens listed with a black "?" are non-c...
Add a new Allergy
The Allergy chart tab will allow a user to add a new allergy to the patient's active allergy list.   Steps Search for a patient and open that patient's chart in the EMR. Click the Allergies chart tab. The patient's active Allergy list will...