Adding Responsible Party

Adding Responsible Party

By default, the system will assign the patient as their own Responsible Party.   When the patient is under the age of 18, it is strongly encouraged to assign a legal adult as the Responsible Party.   When it comes to billing, there are many errors that can come from not having a legal adult as the Responsible Party.   There are other reasons a patient would not be their own Responsible Party as well.  

  1. From the Patient Setup screen, select the tab Responsible Party.  Always select New to add a different Responsible Party (RP) and flip the Order to 1 for the default RP.  This is so that if a patient ever needs to become their own RP, the setup exists, such as when a minor turns 18.  
  2. Select Individual or Company, depending on the situation.  
  3. If the RP has the same demographic information as the Patient, select Populate Patient Information to fill in majority of the fields.   Changes can be made if needed to the address, email, phone fields.  
  4. Be sure to enter Gender, Relationship and DOB for the RP.   
  5. If the practice opts to have statements emailed and the RP elects this option, check the box to Email Patient Statements, enter the Security Type and Security Data.  This will be the PIN information to protect patient health information.