Best practice for tracking Authorizations.
When entering an authorization, you must make sure you are entering the auth as it was approved.
For example, if there is a start and end date then put in a start and end date to make sure the system is tracking this authorization for you. The Reason entered is dependent on the authorization reason and that it is for internal use only. Lastly the Referring I would put is optional as is some cases it is not needed.
2. Select “More” Select “Authorizations” to enter authorization information for visit
3. Select the “Referred To” tab. Select the paper with the green + sign at the bottom of the screen to add a new authorization
4. -Enter the reason as “Consult and Treat” -Select Status as “Received” -Select Tracking as “Referred to” -Select Type as “Authorization” -Enter Auth # -Select Insurance -Select Rendering provider -Search & select referring provider (if not populated) -Enter effective start & end date -Enter # Visits authorized Select “OK” Note here you can also enter visits and or units with a warning for the system to track the authorization for you.
Once the Auth is entered the iScheduler will track the authorization for you.
The authorization is also tracked in the billing portal via the claim entry screen
Lastly the provider can see it within the EMR via the Superbill chart tab