Release Notes 2023


Release 23.22 - December 14th, 2023
New Features and Updates EMR Emergency Contact U16742 - Add new checkboxes for Emergency Contact within Patient Setup: You can now update Emergency Contacts to include a permission checkbox to "leave detailed messages" with the l...
Release 23.21 - November 30th, 2023
Executive Summary New Report New Report to display claim validation rules that have been bypassed Release Note New Procedure Code Setup Option  New Option to Copy Procedure Code Validations to Other Codes Rel...
Release 23.20 - November 16th, 2023
Executive Summary New Company Setting New Setting to Exclude Codes Flagged as " Do Not Bill "  from  Code Validations Release Note | Documentation Credit Balance Screen  New Patient History & Claim Transact...
Release 23.19 - November 2nd, 2023
New Features and Updates General Comments and Alerts U 14546 - Patient Comments and Claim Comments:   The Comments and Alerts window was previously updated however the new screen had not been available in all areas.  In this...
Release 23.18 Post Release - October 27
New Features and Updates EMR MIPS 16597 - MIPS Provide Patient Access Measure Logic Update:   The MIPS 2023 Provide Patient Access measure numerator logic has been updated to support "incident to" billing scenarios where a patient...
Release 23.18 - October 19th, 2023
Executive Summary Diagnosis Code Rules and Overrides Setup Release Note | Documentation Credit Balance Screen Viewing and Processing Refunds and Credits Release Note | Documentation New Features and ...
Release 23.17 - October 5th, 2023
Executive Summary Patient Search Display Recent Patients  Release Note | Documentation New Features and Updates General Patient Search E15471 - Display Recent Patients:   This new feature builds a Recent  ...
Release 23.16 - September 21st, 2023
New Features and Updates Reports Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) U16279 - MIPS 2023 Reporting Update :   The MIPS Dashboard is now ready for 2023 reporting. There are some important steps your practice needs to fo...
Release 23.15 - September 7th, 2023
New Features and Updates General Appointment Reminders U15899 - Add Resource Alias Field:   Some Resource names were too long or weren't recognizable to patients.  An Alias field has been added to Resource Setup so the name be...
Release 23.14 - August 24th, 2023
New Features and Updates General Global Call Reminders U15560 - Preferred Language:   The Language field from the  Patient Setup > Demographics will now be sent with the appointment information for Reminders.  At this time, Span...
Release 23.13 - July 27th, 2023
New Features and Updates Reports Connect U15799 - Active Inactive User Report:   New report was added for users to list Active ,  Inactive and All users as well as export this list.   More information on Connect Reports  ca...
Release 23.11 - June 29th, 2023
Executive Summary EPCS Identity Proofing  BETA Release Note | Documentation Medications Prescription Queue  BETA Release Note | Documentation The Prescription Approval Queue & EPCS C...
Release 23.10 - June 15th, 2023
New Features and Updates General Help Link Updates U15271 - Added KnowledgeOwl Link to Office EMR:   Previously the graduation cap symbol in the upper right of the screen, opened a link to a learning center.  This has been updated to...
Release 23.09 - June 1, 2023
New Features and Updates General Default Comments U12306 - Allow users to default Users and User Groups within Alerts :   Default Comment screen has been updated so that users may setup default Alerts to include screens, groups a...
Release 23.08 - May 18th, 2023
New Features and Updates Reports Connect E15286 - New 'Deceased_Pat_RespParty' report :   Created a new Connect report called Deceased_Pat_RespParty which generates a listing of patients who have passed away over a time period bas...
Release 23.07 - May 4th, 2023
New Features and Updates Setup User Setup U13616 - Security User ID added:   Within some audit screens, changing of processors displays as an ID# rather than user name.  Added the User ID to the User Setup screen allowing users to ...
Release 23.06 - April 20th, 2023
New Features and Updates Reports Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)  The 2023 Reporting Year MIPS Dashboard updates will be released to production on April 20th behind a feature flag. Once iSalus has passed all necessary ONC S...
OfficeEMR Mobile - Android v1.3.0 (195) - April 20th, 2023
Updates and Bug Fixes U15059 - Hospital Rounds :   Added Assigned Provider to display as "Sched. With Provider".  B15058 - Rounds Comment :   Comments were not always saving and no error message was displayed to user.  Increased charact...
OfficeEMR Mobile - IOS v5.10.0 (195) - April 20th, 2023
Updates and Bug Fixes U15059 - Hospital Rounds :   Added Assigned Provider to display as "Sched. With Provider".  B15058 - Rounds Comment :   Comments were not always saving and no error message was displayed to user.  Increased charact...
Release 23.05 - April 6th, 2023
New Features and Updates General Comments and Alerts U14767  - Date Shortcut:   Functionality of date calendar controls from other screens is now available within date fields under Claim Comments and Alerts.  Examples of these are: ...
Release 23.04 - March 23rd, 2023
New Features and Updates General Global Call Reminders E14338 - Global Call Reminders :   Appointment Reminders integration has been updated to leverage internal partners and resources. Stay tuned for additional communication on...
Release 23.03 - March 9th, 2023
Executive Summary Patient Cost Estimator Charge Estimation Tool Release Note | Documentation Split PDF Ability to split PDF files Release Note | Documentation Batch Payment Posting Payment Reconciliation Tool...
Release 23.02 - February 16th, 2023
Executive Summary Insurance Profiles New Insurance Profiles option Release Note | Documentation Comment Editor New Patient/Claim Comment Editor Release Note | Patient Comment | Claim Comment New Features a...
Release 23.01 - February 2nd, 2023
New Features and Updates Setup Company Settings and Patient Setup U14130 - Add Process - Check Eligibility on dialysis patients once per month:   A new company setting has been created to support billing processes specific to Di...