Not Balancing to the Practice Summary Report?

When there are claims that are not associated to a Rendering Provider, the Rendering Provider will show as Unassigned in your Practice Summary Report. When you use the same date range for both reports and they do not balance, you need to review your Practice Summary Report to locate claims where the Rendering Provider is Unassigned  because those claims are excluded from the Payment Posting Connect Report. The following steps can be used to identify claims where the Rendering Provider is Unassigned:

  1. Run the Practice Summary Report by deposit for the same date range as your Payment Posting Connect Report and then click on the Get Details button for Rending Provider Totals 
  2. If running for a small range/subset then user can visually locate those line items where Rendering Provider = Unassigned and total them (that will be the difference between the Connect Report Payment Posting total and the Practice Summary Report. OR the user can update those claims to assign a Rendering Provider and then rerun to get the two reports to balance.
  3. If the report is lengthy then it is best to export the Practice Summary Report data to excel 

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  1. Next use Excel to filter Rending Provider
  2. Set Rendering Provider to only show Unassigned
  3. Total the Unassigned amounts (that will be the difference between the Connect Report Payment Posting total and the Practice Summary Report). Updating all claims to properly reflect a Rendering Provider, so that Rendering Provider is not  Unassigned, will allow you to balance your reports. Update the claims then rerun the reports.