Claims Search from Billing Query
A single claim or multiple claims can be found using the Billing Query search window.
- Click on Billing
- Go to the Billing Query search window.
- Any number of parameters can be used to search for claims and some areas have a button to open additional search criteria:
In this example Chart#, patient name, date of birth can be utilized
- Note that areas can be collapsed and opened by toggling the + or – symbol
- To search for all claims from a particular payer navigate to the Payer/Insurance fields, enter the Payer name:
- Under Claim multiple statuses can be selected:
- There are sections for Procedures, Providers and Locations as well.
- For Provider searches, there’s a dropdown for different types of providers:
- Once all criteria is entered, from the upper left corner use the magnifying glass to search and the chalk symbol will clear all input to begin a new search:
- When the search button is selected, the Billing Query window collapses. To return to the Billing Query search window again, click the vertical Search Criteria bar: