- Go to the Reports section, then under EMR select Connect.
- Click the icon with a plus sign in the toolbar to create a new Connect report entry.
- When asked to select the Report, scroll under the Time Tracking header and find Biller Productivity. Then fill out the parameter list as follows:
- Start Date: The starting date for the range of Note Create Dates the user would like to review..
- End Date: The ending date for the range of Note Create Dates the user would like to review.
- Select the desired fields for the report to show, or simply select 'All.' Then hit 'Finish,' then 'Close,' to complete adding the report. The available fields are as follows:
- Biller Action: The Biller Action selected when creating the note. If entered, it helps quickly identify and categorize the action taken on this claim.
- Chart: The chart number from the patient's account.
- Claim ID: The ID of the claim that the note was put on. For non-claim notes that have biller actions, this field will be blank.
- Claim Status: The current Claim Status of the claim.
- Comment Text: The text entered in the relevant note on the claim.
- Entry Date: The date this note was entered. This is the field that is filtered on using the Start Date and End Date.
- Follow-up: The follow-up date entered when creating the note. If entered, it helps quickly identify the next time this claim will need to be touched.
- Patient: The name of the patient whose claim was noted.
- User: The user who created the note.
New Fields Added (Release 23.10):
- Service Location: The user can include the service location for the associated claim.
- Primary Payer Name: The user can include the name of the primary payer for the associated claim.
- Claim Charge Amount: The user can include the charge amount associated with the claim.