Adding Lost to Follow-up Report

  1. Go to the Reports section, then under EMR select Connect.
  2. Click the icon with a plus sign in the toolbar to create a new Connect report entry.

  3. When asked to select the Report, scroll under the Patient header and find Lost to Follow-up. Then fill out the parameter list as follows:

    1. Code in Past X Months: The patient has a qualifying procedure (i.e., one that's in one of the selected Past Code Groups) with a service date in the last X months, where X is the number entered. If the user types '24' in the first parameter and selects 'E& M' in the second, the report will look at patients who have an E & M code billed with a service date in the last two years.  
    2. Past Code Group: A multi-select of code groups, this allows a user to find only patients who have had only codes in specific code groups billed in the past X months.
    3. No Appts in X Days: The patients returned also don't have appointments scheduled in the next X days, where X is the number entered in this parameter. The report attempts to find patients who the practice may need to follow up with to schedule additional appointments. 
    4. Diagnosis List: This allows users to put in a diagnosis list to filter patients on. If a user enters a diagnosis list (i.e., "N184, N185"), the report will only return patients who have one of the entered codes in their current problem list. If a user instead enters "all," the report will not filter against patient diagnoses.

  4. Select the desired fields for the report to show, or simply select 'All.' Then hit 'Finish,' then 'Close,' to complete adding the report. The available fields are as follows:

    1. Account: The chart number from the patient's account. 
    2. First Name: The first name of the patient. 
    3. Middle Name: The middle name of the patient. 
    4. Last Name: The last name of the patient. 
    5. Nickname: The nickname of the patient. 
    6. Last Seen: The last service date for which the patient has a code in the code group(s) selected. 
    7. DOB: The patient's date of birth. 
    8. Gender: The gender code of the patient. 
    9. SSN: The social security number of the patient. 
    10. Address 1: The first line of the patient's address.
    11. Address 2: The second line of the patient's address. 
    12. City: The city from the patient's address. 
    13. State: The state from the patient's address. 
    14. Zip: The zip code from the patient's address. 
    15. Home Phone: The patient's primary "Home Phone" number. 
    16. Work Phone: The patient's primary "Work Phone" number. 
    17. Other Phone: The patient's primary "Other Phone" number. 
    18. Provider: The default provider from the patient's account. 
    19. Provider NPI: The NPI of the default provider from the patient's account. 
    20. Problem List: A comma-delimited list of the patient's current problem list.