Adding Lab Results by Date

  1. Go to the Reports section, then under EMR select Connect.
  2. Click the icon with a plus sign in the toolbar to create a new Connect report entry.

  3. When asked to select the Report, scroll under the Patient header and find Lab Result Search. Then fill out the parameter list as follows:

    1. Lab Measure to Search: Enter a part of the lab measure's name that you're hoping to search. Please note that this report will only return lab measures that match the entered string -- if you type "gluc," it will find both "GLUCOSE" and "BLOOD GLUC" but if you type "glucose" it would find "GLUCOSE" but not "BLOOD GLUC."
    2. Start Date: The beginning of the date range when the labs were received. 
    3. End Date: The end of the date range when the labs were received.

  4. Select the desired fields for the report to show, or simply select 'All.' Then hit 'Finish,' then 'Close,' to complete adding the report. The available fields are as follows:

    1. Chart: The chart number from the patient's account. 
    2. Active: Denotes if the patient is active.
    3. Address 1: The first line of the patient's address.
    4. Address 2: The second line of the patient's address. 
    5. City: The city from the patient's address.
    6. DOB: The date of birth of the patient. 
    7. Result Date: The date the result was received. 
    8. Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the patient. 
    9. Gender: The gender of the patient. 
    10. Home Phone: The patient's primary "Home Phone" number. 
    11. Lab Measure: The name of the lab measure that met the selected criteria. 
    12. Age: The age of the patient. 
    13. First Name: The first name of the patient. 
    14. Last Name: The last name of the patient. 
    15. Race: The race of the patient. 
    16. Result Value: The lab result value that meets the selected criteria.  
    17. State: The state from the patient's address. 
    18. Zip: The zip code from the patient's address.