The Lab Results by Date Connect report assists users in finding all qualifying lab measures which came in over the specified date range.
- Go to the Reports section, then under EMR select Connect.
- Click the icon with a plus sign in the toolbar to create a new Connect report entry.
- When asked to select the Report, scroll under the Patient header and find Lab Result Search. Then fill out the parameter list as follows:
- Lab Measure to Search: Enter a part of the lab measure's name that you're hoping to search. Please note that this report will only return lab measures that match the entered string -- if you type "gluc," it will find both "GLUCOSE" and "BLOOD GLUC" but if you type "glucose" it would find "GLUCOSE" but not "BLOOD GLUC."
- Start Date: The beginning of the date range when the labs were received.
- End Date: The end of the date range when the labs were received.
- Select the desired fields for the report to show, or simply select 'All.' Then hit 'Finish,' then 'Close,' to complete adding the report. The available fields are as follows:
- Chart: The chart number from the patient's account.
- Active: Denotes if the patient is active.
- Address 1: The first line of the patient's address.
- Address 2: The second line of the patient's address.
- City: The city from the patient's address.
- DOB: The date of birth of the patient.
- Result Date: The date the result was received.
- Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the patient.
- Gender: The gender of the patient.
- Home Phone: The patient's primary "Home Phone" number.
- Lab Measure: The name of the lab measure that met the selected criteria.
- Age: The age of the patient.
- First Name: The first name of the patient.
- Last Name: The last name of the patient.
- Race: The race of the patient.
- Result Value: The lab result value that meets the selected criteria.
- State: The state from the patient's address.
- Zip: The zip code from the patient's address.
To run this report, perform the following steps:
- If you just created the Lab Results by Date Connect report, click the refresh icon on the toolbar:
- Select the created report in the list.
- Click the drop-down next to the hammer and wrench icon on the toolbar. Then click Run Report.
- You should see the results on your screen. If desired, you can click the Excel icon at the top to export these results: