Billing: How to Reset a Deposit

There may be an instance when a deposit will need to be reset.   Once a deposit is reset it will revert to its original settings prior to when it was previously posted.  A reset deposit can affect various billing reports, as this will now change the post date for the deposit.  This document is to demonstrate how to reset the deposit.   

  1. Go to Billing module and select Deposits under Payment Posting. 
  2. Select the Deposit that needs to be reset. 
  3. Prior to resetting the Deposit, review to verify that it needs to be reset.  A reset effects all the claims within the deposit.  Be aware that a reset of a deposit will affect billing reports due to the change in the post date of the claim.  
  4. Click on Reset/Remove to remove the deposit.   Note: Once the deposit has been reset, this cannot be undone.