The Patient Search section of the OfficeEMR Mobile application allows a user to search for and access any patient medical record within the practice. Users can also quickly create new patients from this screen as well. Once a patient chart has been selected, a number of available actions will exist like accessing a patient's medication list, problem list, allergy list, past notes, and much more.
The OfficeEMR Mobile app allows for any user with the necessary access to search and find any patient chart that exists in OfficeEMR. This article will explain how to search for a patient.
The OfficeEMR Mobile app allows for any user with the necessary access to add a new patient to OfficeEMR. This article will explain how to add a new patient using the mobile application.
Pro Tip: Before adding a new patient, it is always best to search to see if that patient may already exist. Learn how to search for patient's here: Search for a patient
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