

Overview of the Immunizations Chart Tab
The Immunizations chart tab allows a user to document patient reported (historical), refused and administered immunizations. It is the appropriate place to document vaccine information for practices wishing to track immunization data for CMS Quality...
Immunizations Chart Tab Features
Previous Encounter Date The Previous Encounter Date will display encounter dates where immunizations were documented. Select an encounter date to view or edit the immunizations saved for that day. Template Blue Bars/Sections Immunization templ...
Document an Administered Immunization
Follow these steps to document an administered immunization for a patient encounter:  Once in a patient's chart, select the Immunizations  chart tab. Select the Immunization Template B lue bar/section. Click on the Immun...
Document a Patient Reported Immunization
Follow these steps to document a patient reported immunization for a patient encounter:  Once in a patient's chart, select the Immunizations  chart tab. Select the Immunization Template B lue bar/section. Click on the Im...
Document a Refused Immunization
Follow these steps to document a refused immunization for a patient encounter:  Once in a patient's chart, select the Immunizations  chart tab. Select the Immunization Template B lue bar/section. Click on the Immunizatio...
Delete an Immunization
Follow these steps to document an administered immunization for a patient encounter:  Once in a patient's chart, select the Immunizations  chart tab. Choose the Previous Encounter Date the immunization was documented for. ...
Immunization VFC Eligibility and Funding Source Codes
VFC Eligibility Codes The following is a list of the concept codes that are sent with electronic immunization data for the specified VFC Eligibility picklist options: VFC Eligibility Picklist Description Code Sent with Electronic Immuniz...