Billing: Claim Refund Status

Refund claims are claims that have a credit balance.  The refund status can be created by either a patient or insurance payment that causes the claim to go into a credit balance.  They can be viewed from the Revenue Cycle under Manage. Note:: A Refund status does not mean the refund has been made, only that the claim is in a Credit Balance. 

How is the Refund status created?

If a payment made to a claim causes an overpayment or refund, the Create Credit screen will appear.  The user has the option to create the Credit.  

If the user selects Yes, a claims Details screen will appear to create the New Credit. The user will need to select the potential Refund recipient.  The user will then select Save and Close out the window.  

The status of the claim will now reflect a Refund status. 

For assistance on how to apply a Refund to a claim review the Apply a Refund to a Claim Credit document.  Refunds can also be reviewed utilizing the Refund Report.